Our Team

We are fortunate to have a group of talented and committed staff, focused on delivering real value and support to our clients.

Our staff

Meet some of our staff who provide support and advice to our clients.

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Business development team

Reviewing your insurance arrangements can be complicated and expert advice can be very helpful.  Meet our team of staff who are here to help.

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Meet the experienced team managing MIGA’s day to day operations.

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Leading the way

MIGA’s operations are overseen by our Boards, who chart our future direction.

Insurance policies are issued by Medical Insurance Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 255906).  MIGA has not taken into account your personal objectives or situation.  Before you make any decisions about our policies, please review the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (which can be found here) and consider your own needs.
Information on this site does not constitute legal or professional advice. If you have questions, or need advice please contact us for assistance.